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On Request 2,3 Bedroom December 2015 Possession 2238 Total Views For Sale

Address : Raj Altezza, Ambika Nagar, J. N. Road , Near Apna Bazar, Mulund W Maharashtra 400081

When understated luxury surpasses all known limitations, it starts to resemble Raj Altezza. This empowering 28-storey structure with its curvilinear elevation is designed to outshine the rest with an enchanting charisma. Gently enveloping the stately residences of 2 and 3 BHK in a warm embrace Enjoy a life in the cozy embrace of luxury, convenience and superlative connectivity. The new-age layout of Raj Altezza gives you ample of stylish space that literally makes you the centre of attention with a thoughtful elevation, open spaces and well-appointed green spaces. Curvilinear elevation | Sundecks with SS railing with toughened glasses | Four high speed elevators | Grand entrance lobby and reception area | Multilevel car parking

General Amenities

  • Power Back-up
  • Vaastu Compliant (Feng Shui)
  • Fire Alarm
  • Intercom Facility
  • Water Storage
  • Reserved Parking
  • Visitor Parking
  • Delightful Garden
  • Maintenance Staff
  • Security Personnel
  • Club house / Community Hall
  • Waste Disposal
  • Fitness Centre
  • Lift(s)
  • Joggers Track
  • Game Zone

Rajesh Life Spaces

Operating Since : October 1968

When understated luxury surpasses all known limitations, it starts to resemble Raj Altezza. This empowering 28-storey structure with its curvilinear elevation is designed to outshine the rest with an enchanting charisma. Gently enveloping the stately residences of 2 and 3 BHK in a warm embrace Enjoy a life in the cozy embrace of luxury, convenience and superlative connectivity. The new-age layout of Raj Altezza gives you ample of stylish space that literally makes you the centre of attention with a thoughtful elevation, open spaces and well-appointed green spaces. Curvilinear elevation | Sundecks with SS railing with toughened glasses | Four high speed elevators | Grand entrance lobby and reception area | Multilevel car parking

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